Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Presents

This was my first Christmas while knowing how to crochet, and so needless to say I put this skill to good use!

Above is what I made for my mother. 

The scarf is the same infinity scarf pattern I had used before because while I was making the first scarf my mom commented how much she loved it. I really like the yarn I used for this set. I found it in a local yarn shop in a small town about 30 minutes from where I live. My only complaint is that they tied to pieces of yarn together in the middle of the skein! UGH! You can see the awful red to suddenly purple transition in the picture. Luckily you can hardly tell when it's worn.

I used about one and a half skeins for the scarf and so decided to make this headband with the extra. Turns out I had the perfect amount! I created this by using a double crochet stitch with an I hook. It was very quick and easy.

This next set is what I made for a gift exchange at a family Christmas gathering. The rules were that it had to be a unisex gift, so neon orange and neon green totally work, right?

Matching hat and scarf! As you can see, I didn't exactly finish before my family had to leave... However, I did manage to barely get it done in time. Whew!

I was tired of making an equal size stripe pattern (plus I had less green than orange) so I decided to try out stripes of different sizes, and I really like how it turned out. Double crochet stitch with an I hook.

Lastly I am making a hat and scarf for each of my grandmas! Below is the hat I have finished.

This was the first time I worked with chunky weight yarn and I didn't realize how much quicker projects take when you use it. Too bad it's more expensive. I used my hat pattern from a previous post, same number of stitches in a round and everything. This made a looser hat, which was my goal.

And because it was Christmas, I had to include a picture with the tree! :)

Infinity scarf post:
Hat pattern post:

Octopus Army

As the pattern says these octopuses are cute. Very cute. They do only have 6 tentacles though. These were made for my friends for Christmas and I've still got about three more to make...

I hot glued buttons on for the eyes since these are all going to young adults I don't need to worry about them being torn off and eaten (at least as far as I know). The mouths were made using black yarn and a yarn needle. Each octopus is different.

This one is for my friend who is studying abroad in New Zealand so I had to get her's done. The bow could've been a little higher but still very adorable.

For my boyfriend. Holding a quick and easy crochet heart :)

My first octopus. He didn't have a home so he will be staying with me, which is very ok. Since he was my first one I couldn't get all the tentacles to fit (oh no!), but I figured it out for the other ones. Needless to say, when the pattern says you have to squeeze them in to get all of them to fit, it's not kidding.

These are the other three octopuses!

This one is for one of my guy friends. And no, I had nothing to do with the color choice, it was all him. I am a huge fan of the top hat.

This one is actually for the same friend that received the dinosaur I made. The dinosaur's name is Ned and now he and this octopus can be best friends!

The last one! Yes he has three eyes. He's based off the purple pentapus from an episode from season 2 of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

These guys!! Adorable.

Octopus pattern:
Top hat pattern: