Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hogwarts House Color Bracelets

Finally, finally, finally, I am proud to present my Hogwarts bracelets!

This is a very simple design and so they were not difficult to make, I just needed the idea. This is the standard flat friendship bracelet style. In the order of how you want the colors to appear in the bracelet you make two knots with the beginning string on each of the following strings from left to right and then repeat with the next string on the outermost left. That is a very bad explanation so here is a better tutorial of the basic idea:

The bracelets were made with 4 strings folded in half to give us 8 pieces of string to knot with: 3 of the base color and 1 of the accent color. The pattern I used was: 2 rows base, 1 row accent, 2 rows base, 1 row  accent, 2 rows base (and repeat).

The following colors were used for the houses:

 Gryffindor: Scarlet and Gold

Ravenclaw: Blue and Bronze 

 Slytherin: Green and Silver

Hufflepuff: Yellow and Black

If there is any confusion (which I'm sure there will be) or if there are any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will address it!


  1. Surely you did 4 rows base, 1 row accent, 2 base and then 1 accent to make your bracelets? (Thats what it looks lile to me)

    But otherwise they are really cool and I cant wait to make them thanks a lot!

    1. Yes! In the directions I stuck an extra 2 base after the last accent so it's 2,1,2,1,2. I phrased it that way because I started the bracelet with two rows of base. I probably made it way more confusing than necessary.

      Thanks! Hope they turn out well!

  2. Thank you very much for writing such an interesting article on this topic. This has really made me think and I hope to read more.
