Monday, September 3, 2012


Being a geologist means I LOVE Dinosaurs. A lot. I found this pattern (located here: for a long-neck dinosaur early on in my crocheting career, and I've been dying to make it ever since.

I finally did, and I am very pleased with the result! If any of you have been reading this blog you might notice that this is the same yarn used in Joy's birthday scarf. I used it in this pattern because this dinosaur is for a fellow geology undergrad who is graduating this year (I just got it done way ahead of time!). When I was working on the scarf she noticed it and decided she really liked the colors and the sparkle and so declared I should make her something with the extra, hence this dinosaur.

The reason one of his legs is purple is because I originally thought I wasn't going to have enough of the teal color. Turns out I did, but my friend decided she liked the idea of a purple prosthetic. (He got into a really intense fight with some raptors) My friend will have to careful though, or I might steal him for myself!

Isn't he too cute!?

Surprisingly, I managed to make this guy in about a week! I guess that's what happens when classes haven't started yet and you have free time...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hogwarts House Color Bracelets

Finally, finally, finally, I am proud to present my Hogwarts bracelets!

This is a very simple design and so they were not difficult to make, I just needed the idea. This is the standard flat friendship bracelet style. In the order of how you want the colors to appear in the bracelet you make two knots with the beginning string on each of the following strings from left to right and then repeat with the next string on the outermost left. That is a very bad explanation so here is a better tutorial of the basic idea:

The bracelets were made with 4 strings folded in half to give us 8 pieces of string to knot with: 3 of the base color and 1 of the accent color. The pattern I used was: 2 rows base, 1 row accent, 2 rows base, 1 row  accent, 2 rows base (and repeat).

The following colors were used for the houses:

 Gryffindor: Scarlet and Gold

Ravenclaw: Blue and Bronze 

 Slytherin: Green and Silver

Hufflepuff: Yellow and Black

If there is any confusion (which I'm sure there will be) or if there are any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will address it!