Thursday, August 16, 2012

Button Bracelets

Long time no see! I promise during my long disappearance I continued to work on some small projects; get ready for several close-succession posts!

Over the summer I taught my three roommates to make friendship & hemp bracelets. One of them saw a bracelet on Pinterest that used a button as a center piece and challenged me to learn how to make it. Although I changed the style slightly, I really like the result. 

These are the two bracelets that I made for myself. Each bracelet uses three hemp strings through each hole. It is a little difficult to get all three through without having some fraying, but in the end the band looks nicer because piece you braid with has the same number of strings.

The most difficult part of the bracelet is definitely the knot at the end with the clasp button. For mine I ended up threading two of the strings in and out of the clasp button. Then, I tied the knot right underneath the button using all of the strings. It's important to tie the knot as close to the button as possible to keep the threads in the button from wearing out as fast.

Although I braided my bands there are a lot more options. My roommate knotted the band of one of her bracelets like you would a friendship bracelet, so there's lots of room for experimenting! If anyone makes a button bracelet and creates a band a different way I'd love to see it!

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